
Rabu, 15 Februari 2012


~I’m not giving up-.. Up, i must be getting closer to IT, Gloria in the distance~

Akhirnya setelah melalui berbagai macam hal nano nano (antara yakin ga yakin)dari Trust Day 9th, tim kami #Mahakam ternyata lolos 13 besar. Unbelievable but Possible. SEkali lagi kami berjuang di tanah rantau *Halah Jakarta. Bersama dengan mentor kami yang kece tapi selalu telat ngasi bimbingan (H-1 always) mas Taufiq dari Aqua,namun tanpa CEO kami Mike Laurent yang juga kece, karna dia lagi HNMUN di Boston. Awalnya galau banget si CEO gabisa ikut, secara dia yang paling sering nyeletuk ide gila tapi jenius, tapi The Show Must Go ON!! Here we GO, 9th Country Final Trust Danone...Welcome Youth!

Go..Go Mahakam. I Love You Deep Down in My Heart #Eaa

Dari Country Final ini, bener2 belajar caranya buat presentasi yang menakjubkan, semua tim menyiapkan properties yang keren2.Awalnya Tante Fika ama Inggy Jiper ngeliat anak UGM pada bawa2 kaca ato lukisan ato apa itu dibalut koran, Maak..mantap lah. Tapi gatau kenapa saya merasa tenang banget *Atau efek keabisan adrenalin gara2 ga tidur 2 hari ya, ntahlah.
Dan semuanya berjalan lancar. Terimakasih Ya Allah,for unforgettable lessons, memory,friends, afterparty, Manager Campus yang Gokil Gila, Night Walk sambil nyanyi peterpan and Smash,5 stars hotels, and everything dazzled me

Thanks MAHAKAM =)

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012


Its started from the past-cold December 2011, where everybody beside me went abroad, reaching sky, smile brightly, while me.. broke, and wake up in the middle of the nite because of bad dream, something i can’t reach and someone i eager to meet in a place. I guess i had been given the great examination by Allah swt,to make friends with patience.

Thanks for everyone who reborn, and make other people know how it bittersweet taste erasing exhausted.

-well bitter is not always bad, i love bitter green tea than other now!

(ps : And for you who wish and dare to reborn, keep on fighting and praying. Allah is beside you)