Its been three stright days to finish Milea.
Milea Adnan Hussain, a graceful name.
Me and my friend, agree that its not Dilan that lucky to get the beauty of the school.
Instead, Milea is the lucky one to get such a smart Dilan.
How can Dilan loves Milea, beside her physical appearance off course (that is too common for a couple start to interest each other).
And my curiosity is answered in 'MILEA' books.
"As far as I know, She always shows up in a good sight, even when she ate the terrible 'kupat tahu' from school canteen.
She walks with a good posture and appropriate clothes, even I'm so sure that she will stay beautiful when she doesn't wear any clothes
If I may argue, I think its not all about appearance, but also reflection of her pleasant personality.
With her joyful demeanor, she can accept people with playful attitude and did not feel weird for that"-Dilan
And so is the review from people who read Dilan and Milea said that this book is not only entertain the reader about the old time Bandung, the love story between two teenager, but also teach us lessons.
For men, it give a clue on how to get close and take woman heart.
I dont know how other reader perception to what Pidi baiq portray about Dilan ability to attract Milea, but for me, its all about laugh.
A laugh, bunch of jokes, and showing attention are pretty enough to take one heart.
And for women
This lesson is also what I learn not so long time ago
About how to wear proper clothes, keeping a good posture, when walking, eating, or else.
And being able to talk about many thing in a flexible manner.
To be able to have a connection in talking about many thing, becoming best friend with books or morning news is such a must.
These are just my mere humble perception on Dilan trilogy.
Reading those books, was absolutely giving me a pleasure.
This book is about perspectives
A same thing in the eye of woman and man
Even we couldnt generelized, but this is a bit hint that might be most of us agree
This book is about perspectives
A same thing in the eye of woman and man
Even we couldnt generelized, but this is a bit hint that might be most of us agree
Pidi has good words
It is very meaningful and his point truely conveyed to hearts
And here are some fragment from the novel
"Aku percaya orang yang paling egois sebenarnya adalah orang yang paling merasa tidak aman didunia. Menyembunyikan emosi hanya untuk terlihat seperti baik baik saja padahal sesungguhnya menyimpan berjuta pikiran di kepalanya"
"Aku akan mengatakan dari perspektif sebagai laki laki bahwa itu lebih sulit untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif ketika ada begitu banyak emosi berputar putar di sekitarmu"
"Memang akan begitu, akan selalu menjadi hal penting di dalam perasaan seorang perempuan untuk membantu pacarnya tumbuh menjadi apa apa yang sesuai dengan harapannya, yang sesuai dengan keinginannya, dan menjauh dari apa apa yang akan merusak kehidupannya"
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